Perkin Elmer - Your Support System for Cannabis Testing

Gloves, protective clothing, eyewear and respirators are required for workers in the extraction process.Implementing a HACCP Plan
in Cannabis Processing

By Aaron G. Biros, Editor-in-Chief

Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) is a robust management system that identifies and addresses any risk to safety throughout production. Originally designed for food safety through the entire supply chain, the risk assessment scheme can ensure extra steps are taken to prevent contamination. The HACCP system consists of six steps, the first of which being a hazard analysis. For Dr. Markus Roggen, vice president of extraction at Outco, a medical cannabis producer in Southern California, one of their hazard analyses takes place at the drying and curing stage.

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Biomist - Sanitize in Seconds Without Water
Featured Articles

Dr. Travis Bliss, Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney PCProtecting Innovative Strains with a Strong Intellectual Property Strategy:
Part 2 – Patents for New Cannabis Strains

By Dr. Travis Bliss, Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney PC

In the first installment of this three-part series we explored the reasons why cannabis breeders should adopt a strong IP strategy sooner rather than later and looked briefly at the types of IP that those breeders and growers should be considering. In this second installment, we will examine in more detail patent protection for innovative new varieties of cannabis and how one can use that patent protection to further their business objectives.

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Budtenders: Providing Education and Customer ServiceBudtenders:
Providing Education and Customer Service

By Rachel Stires, Medical Marijuana Treatment Clinics of Florida

Budtenders represent the front line of any cannabis dispensary, and as such they are responsible for fostering a valuable customer service experience that will have clients returning in the future. However, the role of budtender goes much deeper than simply providing customer service. If you want to develop a profitable business with deeply embedded customer loyalty, you can do no better than to hire an exceptional team of budtenders to provide your patrons with useful information and a memorable customer service experience that will keep them coming back for repeat sales.

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Sponsored Resources

Cooper AtkinsGrow Your Business with NotifEye™ Grower’s Kit!

Install this easy-to-use system to wirelessly monitor soil and air temperatures to ensure conditions are optimal for planting - ideal for monitoring temperature and humidity levels in growhouses. Monitoring your growing environment is key for successful germination and production of quality crops. Analyzing the system data to ensure you save energy by heating only until optimal growing can be sustained.

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